Your Resource for Neurotherapeutics Discovery and Development |
Annual Meeting OverviewBECOME A SUPPORTER FINAL PROGRAMREGISTER TO ATTENDBOOK YOUR HOTEL ROOMJoin us as the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeutics Annual Meeting (ASENT 2025) will be held at Hyatt Regency Bethesda, in Bethesda, MD from March 12-14, 2025. ASENT's 2025 Annual Meeting is the premier neuroscience and neurotherapeutics conference where senior leaders from healthcare payers, providers and prescribers, employers, investors, fast-growing startups, big pharma, policymakers, funders and innovation centers gather to improve the process of bringing neurotherapeutics to market. The Meeting features 12 symposia, which address therapeutic advances in a broad range neurologic disease states, processes and delivery methods; as well as interactive poster presentations, ASENT's celebrated pipeline presentations, and live discussion with speakers at the end of each day. 2025 Meeting Highlights
This year our program will include symposia on:
Meeting LocationHyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda MDBOOK YOUR ROOMWho Attends50% of attendees are practicing physicians| Physician-Scientists | Neurologists | Neuroscientists | Drug and Device Companies | Fellows | Post-docs | Founders | Funders | Industry Leaders | Nonprofit Organizations and Advocacy Groups | Journal Editors | Representatives from NIH, NIA, NIDA, NINDS and FDA The 2025 meeting will feature a high number of junior faculty and trainees as attendees at our clinical trials course and neurotherapeutic drug discovery course are welcome to attend the annual meeting at a discounted cost. Neurology students and residents interested in neurotherapeutic development will benefit from the insight of senior investigators and leaders in industry, while private practice neurologists considering entering the clinical trial space will benefit from lessons learned by ASENT leadership. The Annual Meeting features career development sessions that offer strategies for achieving professional success in the field of neurotherapeutics. Cancellation PolicyYou may cancel your registration for a refund through February 28, 2025. Cancellations will be refunded less a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be granted for cancellations on March 1, 2025, and after. |